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ASA Ruling on Diet Chef Ltd
A TV ad for Diet Chef, seen in July 2016, featured a character, Cheryl, talking to her former self two months after starting Diet Chef. The voice-over stated, “Two months after starting with diet chef Cheryl meets her former self.” The former and current Cheryl then had a conversation, “I know how you feel, you […]
World health leaders push for junk food taxes and ad bans
The World Medical Association has lent its weight in support of tough new policies to curb obesity, including taxes on junk food and sugary drinks as well as bans on advertising to children. “A comprehensive program is needed to prevent and address obesity in all segments of the population, with a specific focus on children”, […]
MEPs call for EU limit on industrial trans fats in food
The EU should place mandatory limits on industrially-produced trans-fatty acids (TFA) which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, infertility, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity for consumers, says a resolution voted on this month. TFA intake is mostly linked to consumption of industrially produced, partially hydrogenated oils. MEPs mention the fact that, according to the European […]
The New Food Labelling Regime
THE STORY SO FAR Until late 2014, labelling of foods in the UK had largely been controlled by The Food Labelling Regulations 1996 (FLRs). These gave effect to requirements laid down in European directives in areas such as food labelling, nutrition labelling, and labelling of alcohol. Control via directives meant that every Member State was […]
E-commerce: the legal stuff you need to know before selling food online
When you sell food online into Europe, the food you sell is subject to the full body of EU food law including hygiene & safety, traceability, product withdrawal, recall procedures and labelling. You must ensure that you make the same level of consumer information available to your customers, via your website, as when the food […]
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